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Trupp Global


The people who decide whether this meeting could have indeed been an email.
“Yes, this call should have been an email. A short one too.”

Naveed Ahamad

Chief Executive Officer & Founder

Naveed is the few words, more actions sort of type. Yes, you guessed it, a mechanical engineer. He has 15 years of experience in the IT and BPO industry and has worked with Perot Systems, Mphasis, TEG Analytics in various roles from business development to operations.

In the office we call him a psycho. No, not behind his back, it’s his actual nickname. Because how else would you describe someone who hates to travel (helloooo…) but could spend endless hours binge-watching thrillers and slasher movies?

Naveed Ahamad (Founder)

Thilip Kumar

President & Co-Founder

Thilip is a geek in science and his 20 years in the IT and BPO sectors prove it.
He is the epitome of the famous Bill Gates quote: “I choose a lazy person to do a hard job. Because a lazy person will find an easy way to do it.”

His love language is food and for some reason he manages to stay chilled under any circumstances.

Thilip Kumar ( Co-founder)

Fauzia Anwar

Senior Operations Manager

An interior designer at heart with about 8 years of experience in operations and production management. Yet another science geek of course.

She is actually super lovely and inexplicably happy all the time. When she’s not busy with work you’ll either find her shopping or traveling!

Fauzia Anwar (Senior Operations Manager)


Trupp Global


In the words of Lin-Manuel Miranda, we get the job done.
“What’s this? An urgent project on a Friday evening? Oh, ok, bring it on.”

Ajin Thomas  (Manager – Client Services)
Ajin Thomas

Manager – Client Services

Ajin has a bachelor in Technology (B.Tech), Electronics and Communications Engineering and brings 7 years of experience in the BPO industry.
If someone can manage a team, that’s Ajin, alright. He has managed and led teams of over 250 people. He is eerily into gardening although he is not 86 years old.

Anjali Stephen ( Research Analyst)
Anjali Stephen

Research Analyst

Anjali is our Research Analyst with tons of experience in the field and the BPO industry in general. Multitasking level: Over 9000!

Fayaz Ahmed ( Project Manager)
Fayaz Ahmed

Project Manager

With a Bachelor of Engineering (B.E.), Electronics and Communications Engineering Fayaz brings 8 years of experience in project management, quality assurance and delivery.
When not working or playing cricket he just loves to be with his family. 🤗

Nandini L ( Training and Development)
Nandini L

Training and Development

With a Bachelor of Commerce and an unwavering focus on the goal, Nandini is the one to take a challenge and really go for it. Always after the next big thing, her commitment is out of this world. You know all these motivational quotes about productivity? They pretty much sum her up.

Shubha B ( Research Analyst)
Shubha B

Research Analyst

A Research Analyst with a Bachelor of Commerce, Shubha is a big fan of work-life balance. When not working you’ll find her traveling around and listening to experimental bands.

 Kruthika D J ( Finance Controller)
Kruthika D J

Finance Controller

With a Bachelor of Commerce and 5 years of experience in accounting, tax and statutory compliance, Kruthika makes sure that everything is in check as far as the numbers go. On her breaks you’ll catch her solving crossword puzzles and playing Sudoku. Each one to their own, we guess.

Syed Niyamathulla (Team Lead)
Syed Niyamathulla

Team Lead

Syed is our Team Lead and holds a Bachelor of Commerce. He has extensive experience in managing teams and is an avid fan of pencil art. No, not doodles, the actual thing. Fun fact, he is the heart of every company karaoke as he’s the only one who can actually sing.

Sudharshan Sridhar (Manager – Quality Assurance)
Sudharshan Sridhar

Manager – Quality Assurance

Our Title, Tax & Settlement specialist. And for a good reason. Sudharshan is Mr. Perfect. No, like honestly. You know that quote by Salvador Dali: “Have no fear of perfection, you’ll never achieve it”? Sudharshan read it and thought “hold my beer”.

Asha V (Quality Control)
Asha V

Quality Control

Asha is in charge of Quality Control. With a Bachelor of Commerce and a personality that resolves pretty much every issue, she is the go-to person to resolve any sort of complaint. A superpower if you ask us.


Trupp Global

Nothing speaks better of our work than the clients themselves. We have an extensive list of projects which we have completed throughout the years and they come in all shapes, sizes, and colors. From mega companies with thousands of employees to startups and small, boutique projects.

Take a look in our case studies where you will see more extensively how we handled those real-life projects, the steps we took to optimize the task assigned, and, of course, the numbers.

Because the numbers don’t lie.

check out some happy clients


Trupp Global

Key performance indicators

Trupp Global

Our KPIs are the way we work, the way we structure our operations, the way we do business. And we are committed to them because, basically, they work. Our clients stay with us in the long run and we are proud to say that for most of our customers we are not just a BPO that simply assists with a project, but a devoted remote team that handles the day-to-day operations, minimizing their costs. Of course, it helps that we are always ahead of time in delivering, and keep our prices budget friendly.

And it’s not just our clients. You’ve already seen how awesome our team is. We love to work with people we trust in the long term and that’s why we go to great lengths to make sure that everyone is happy. Proof of that is our impressive retention rate of 92%. So, eager to work with us?

Want to JOIN
our TEAM?

Trupp Global

Like what you read? And you would like to be part of our team? Yeah! Go ahead, check our current openings and apply to the position of your choice.

And if you don’t find anything related to your experience, but you would still like to be part of our team, then just send us your CV anyway. We are always on the lookout for talented people!

Checkout our Career Page